Julie Scott Peters - Clear Waters Serenity Center

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Julie Scott Peters

Hi, I'm Julie

Little did I know, dying at 8 years old from drowning, and being resuscitated, and two additional near death experiences, truly laid the groundwork, for my life and the work that I am called to do now.  My life experiences and extensive training in many areas of metaphysical, esoterical and spiritual life coaching, advising and alternative healing, has given me what we call initiations, by spirit, giving me a profound experience of the other side. I’m asked all the time how did I get “into all this”?   The answer is, I did not choose to do this work, it chose me…  

How Can Julie Help You?

What Julie's Wonderful Clients Have To Say

Did I tell you that I overcame lifelong depression and anxiety since my soul retrieval? My interactions with you have been life changing. THANK YOU.
J. T.
I feel so wonderful today! If you have never done a soul retrieval, you need to! Contact Julie Scott Peters, you will be so happy that you did!
J. N.
Thank you Julie Scott Peters for the healing today. I feel 50 pounds lighter from all the negative energy and I feel like my true self again. Very grateful to you
M. R.
What a fabulous experience. The positive energy was so uplifting. I thank you for bringing love light and blessings to us all. Your light is truly beautiful and special.
J. S.
I believe in miracles, thank you Julie Scott Peters! Words cannot even describe it - complete peacefulness. I'm so thankful that you allow yourself to heal and bless others.
J. H.
I'm so very thankful that God brought you into my life! You are a true blessing to so many with your tireless work! Namaste soul sister!
J. B.
Just got home from a healing at Clear Waters SerenityCenter. Julie Scott Peters, I feel so much better and lighter. Thank you for sharing your beautiful gifts with us.
D. A.
I'm very thankful for Julie Scott Peters and Clearwater serenity center for helping me go on this amazing journey of self discovery and spirituality. Much thanks and blessings to you
L. K.
I had a very stressful day at work, was worn out and ached so much. It was almost magical how the day slipped away into nothingness as you guided me. Thanks so much!
P. O.
Julie you are a beautiful teacher, example and healer for us too. Thank you for your humble acceptance of your abilities to help so many.
P. B.
What an amazing class! So much knowledge and wisdom came through for me. Even now as I sit here, spirit has given me more validation. Truly beautiful experience.
D. H.
Julie, You touch my heart and spirit with your true light and your gift of teaching. You change minds and perceptions and once one learns they can’t unlearn.

Julie Scott Peters
Clear Waters Serenity Center
Phone: 260-459-9200

Your safe haven for Alternative Healing and Learning.